Friday, October 8, 2010

Teachers Gone Wild: the Facebook episode

"I'm not a gynecologist, but I'll take a look inside" is the tasteful and classy message Chadwin Reynolds left on his Facebook page, for all his ‘friends’ to see.

Sorry, no Teacher of the Year award for you, Reynolds

Unfortunately, Mr. Reynolds, here pictured in an even more tasteful and classy Hustler tshirt, is a teacher at a public school in the Bronx and according to a New York Post report, the teacher went above and beyond his duty as educator, ‘friending’ half-dozen female students and writing creepy comments like, "This is sexy," under some of their Facebook photos. He also tried to get one of the girls to go out with him by scoring her number off of Facebook and sending her flowers, candy, and a teddy bear. He was fired earlier this year.

In another inappropriate case, this time Manhattan substitute Stephen D'Andrilli, ‘friended’ a handful of young women in his school, telling one student that her "boyfriend [did not] deserve a beautiful girl" like her.

He also sent another girl a message telling her she was pretty and had tried to visit her during one of her Saturday classes. Creepy!

And it’s not just the male teachers. Queens teacher Laurie Hirsch was reported to have had sex at least ten times with an 18-year-old former student in her apartment. And as proof (Why do you need to prove it? Was it a bet Mrs. Robinson?) she posted a photo of herself kissing him on Facebook.

This makes the Warwick State High School teachers’ raunchy Facebook photos look tame in comparison.

Hasn’t this happened way too many times already? Isn’t it time for a guideline that addresses teacher-student communication on Facebook? If you’re interested in more, CNN has a great discussion on what is deemed acceptable teacher-student contact on social networking sites:


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