Friday, October 8, 2010

Clumsy Crooks

I love ridiculous crime stories. It amuses me to no end. Especially stories like this one: this guy has got to be the dumbest burglar in Britain.

Burglar Jason Williams stole his next-door neighbour's net curtains and was caught when he hung them up in his own window. Jason Williams was jailed for two years and five months after admitting his fourth burglary. Elizabeth Lowe, the defendant’s lawyer described the crime as 'not very sophisticated'.

Haha, you think?

Now this guy was hoping the Force would keep him safe. Unfortunately, not even the Force can save you from your own stupidity.

A man in a Darth Vader mask robbed a convenience store in Detroit, Michigan. However he forgot to put on the mask, which allegedly belongs to his 9-year-old son, until he was already inside the store, within range of the surveillance camera!

In another ridiculous story, Florida cops searched a 25-year-old man
during a routine traffic stop and found a bag of marijuana and a bag of cocaine in his buttocks. However, (in a panic, I’m sure) the driver said only the marijuana belonged to him.

I am salivatingly curious as to how he’s going to explain the bag of cocaine, that’s apparently not his, and how it got up his bum.God, I hope they do a follow-up on this story!

Now this story, I thought was rather inspirational. Not the stealing part, but the way the shop owner handled the situation. A teenage boy was caught shoplifting in a costume shop in Virgina and, rather than pressing charges and jeopardise the teen's future, the store owner Andrew Perry decided to have the boy should learn from his mistake.

He had the teen dress in a Bert (of the ‘Bert & Ernie’ Sesame Street fame) costume and spend two six-hour days in front of the store holding a sign that read: "I got caught shoplifting at Halloween Express."

My only concern is the poor little kids who saw him and now think Bert is a shoplifter!

But I'm innocent!


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