Friday, August 13, 2010

'Chuting' Star

They say it's best to go out with a bang.

And as resignations go, Steven Slater's was certainly memorable.

The flight attendant on JetBlue airlines has become an instant internet sensation after a stroppy passenger swore at him when he asked her to remain in her seat until the plane had stopped.
He apparently got into an argument with the
passenger who was attempting to take their luggage out of the compartment before the flight had completely landed at JFK. The luggage ended up hitting him in the face, and when the passenger refused to apologize for causing the incident, that must have been his final straw.

After launching into a four-letter tirade on the PA system, Slater grabbed his bags and two cans of beer from the galley, popped the lever for the plane's inflatable emergency chute and slid down to the tarmac.


Authorities apprehended him at his Queens home and he's since been charged with criminal mischief, reckless endangerment, trespassing, and being an all-around badass.

But Slater has earned himself temporary celebrity and has become an unlikely hero of the working man, with growing sympathy on the many Facebook pages set up in tribute to him.

Taking advantage of all the publicity Slater has generated, JetBlue’s low-cost carrier competitor Spirit Airlines launched an ad campaign with the tag line "Don't be blue, slide down to low fares."

And the image on the ad?

A blond man sliding down an emergency exit with a couple of beers in his hand.

I hope you grabbed some peanuts to go with the beer, Steven


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