Friday, September 3, 2010

Justin Bieber Nail Polish. No, Seriously

Yep, you read that headline correctly. This December (just in time for holiday shopping!), the 16-year-old pop sensation will be launching a line of shades exclusively at Walmart, designed in collaboration with well-regarded polish brand Nicole for OPI.

Because nothing screams "object of pre-teen adoration" like nail polish
Photo: Rob Loud/Getty Images; Courtesy of Nicole

Oh, and it gets better: The line will play off his numerous hits, (before writing this post, I wasn’t aware he had ‘numerous’ hits) as the line is to be titled the “One Less Lonely Girl” collection (named after the song of the same name, aww). The shade pictured here is called "Step 2 the Beat of My Heart," and has chunky heart-shaped glitter, if you happen to be into chunky heart-shaped glitter which, I’m sure, is his entire target market.

Is this crazy, or is it just me? A teenage boy has launched a collection of nail polishes, solely to take financial advantage of his fan base, which has a voracious appetite for anything baring his face or name. I have an 11-year-old cousin who will probably be pining for this, and guess who will probably cave and buy it for her? Yep, that’s right: Me.

Did you also know that Justin Bieber will be releasing his biopic; a 3D movie that will be titled Never Say Never (also from one of his songs, jeez). This 16-year-old has a biopic. I’ll just let the ridiculousness of that statement sink in for a little bit before we move on. And while you're doing that, here, feast your eyes on this:

If you have the 'Fever' (apparently the cool kids no longer call it Bieber Fever), than check out this simple and inexpensive way to get a Justin Bieber costume for Halloween. Apparently all you need is:
  • 60s pop icon wig
  • Ski vest
  • Dog tag necklace
  • Voice-changing microphone, to recreate Bieber's pre-pubescent-sounding voice
Right. Do 11-year-olds really find it hot that the dude is making nail polish for them? Or is it us? Maybe we're just really old and don't know what's hip in teen love these days. Something tells me it’s the latter, especially after reading a comment posted about this:


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